Home /Modern Slavery Statement 2020
This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by ANFIELD AGENCY during year ending 25/03/2020 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business.
This is the first A&A Modern Slavery statement, and in the past year we have continued to increase the depth and breadth of our work on Modern Slavery, deepening our understanding of risk, and ensuring we have in place the most effective responses to that risk. We consider Modern Slavery to be a growing global issue and know our customers share our concern. Our commitment to our customers is very clear: we will always treat people in our business fairly, this includes being at the forefront of eradicating modern slavery. We have been active participants in the developing Modern Slavery agenda prior to the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) and subsequently. In addition to the work in our own operations, we continue to prioritise collaborations, which we view as essential given the deep rooted and systemic nature of many manifestations on Modern Slavery. A&A is committed to legal compliance and the highest standard of ethical business practices in all of our operations. A&A strives to maintain a safe and legal employment relationship with all of its employees and expects its suppliers of goods and services to do the same. A&A is committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or in our supply chain
According to the latest IOM global migration report, more people are on the move today than at any other time in recorded history with the number of internally displaced at over 40 million and the number of refugees at more than 22 million. In 2016, the Global consolidated figure estimated 40.3 million people in modern slavery globally. Of these, 24.9 million people are in forced labour which includes 16 million in the private sector including construction, manufacturing, mining, utilities, agriculture, forestry, fishing and domestic work. This equates to 5.4 victims of modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the world.
As the UK’S oldest theatrical agency, AnfieldAgency lets people discover and enjoy the greatest selection of homegrown talent here in the UK. Since launching in 1967, the agency has become renowned for its professionalism, including the ability to connect musicians and clients. This is made possible by an attentive and open agency that prides itself on communication. We connect hundreds of clients and artist every year. Accordingly, our business and that of most of our suppliers involves mostly technical or professional expertise in areas where the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking is low. Nevertheless, A&A is committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in its business or its supply chains. We seek to engage suppliers who hold similar values and ethics to our own. We are not aware of any modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains nor do we have any information to suggest there is any.
We finalised an anti-slavery policy and continue working towards ensuring all employees are aware of, and comply with, the anti-slavery policy. We engage an external Whistleblowing provider through which employees can report breaches of laws, including breaches relating to modern slavery and human trafficking and have committed to investigate any reports of suspected modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or in that of any of our suppliers. We operate a robust recruitment process which includes appropriate immigration checks for all directly employed employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will. Our employees are all paid at or above minimum wage rates.
No reports were received from employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate modern slavery practices have been identified within our business activities during the financial year 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. Naturally, we will continue to be vigilant for any such practices.
This statement has been approved by Managing Director of AnfieldAgency.